Dietitians aiming to become First Contact Practitioners (FCP) should be at indicative Agenda for Change Band 7 or equivalent and above. They must have a minimum of 5 years of postgraduate experience, with at least three years of experience in their professional specialty area before beginning Primary Care training to qualify as an FCP. First Contact Dietitians may cover one or more of the following areas of practice, depending on their knowledge, experience and scope of practice:

  • Gastroenterology including functional bowel disorders, irritable bowel syndrome and coeliac disease
  • Overweight and Obesity
  • Frailty
  • Diabetes

Level 7 academic study is required to become an FCP via an accredited University taught course.

Our support to you

The Training Hub believes in investing in learning and development to enable individuals to reach their full potential and enhance care delivery for patients accessing Primary Care. As there are different methods of Level 7 FCP course delivery — online, in-person, and hybrid.

At the Training Hub we aim to support you by facilitating access to these programs through supportive career conversations.


Fully funded FCP courses are available to physiotherapists working in Primary Care.

Following a supportive career conversation around course structure and delivery as well as supervision requirements to ensure successful completion, learners will be signposted to the appropriate University run FCP Programme for their professional discipline.

What is First Contact Practice? - British Dietetic Association (BDA)


Dietetic-Nov21 FILLABLE_1.pdf (

Education Providers of FCP training | NHS England | Workforce, training and education (

Who do I contact?

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