What is a Paramedic?

First Contact Paramedics are autonomous, diagnostic clinicians with experience in handling undifferentiated and unpredictable cases, conducting a vast array of clinical assessment, diagnostic, and treatment activities, and directing and signposting care. Working within their own scope of practice Paramedic FCP’s can provide care to all ages.  Clinically they are at the top scope of practice at Agenda for Change Band 7, providing excellent holistic patient care. .

Our Support to you

The Training Hub is committed to continuous learning and development of all members of the Primary Care Workforce.  Personalised career conversations can guide AHP’s to various delivery methods for our Level 7 FCP courses. Our goal is to ensure you have the right advice and guidance to choose the right career path enabling you deliver exceptional care and improve the patient experience in primary healthcare


Fully funded FCP courses are available to Paramedics working in Primary Care.
Following a career conversation around course structure and delivery as well as supervision requirements to ensure successful completion learner will be signposted to the right Higher Education Institution.

First Contact Practitioners and Advanced Practitioners in Primary Care: (Paramedics) A Roadmap to Practice (hee.nhs.uk)

B1847-Paramedics-in-general-practice-1.pdf (england.nhs.uk)

Education Providers of FCP training | NHS England | Workforce, training and education (hee.nhs.uk)

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